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中国艺术之星 ——宋子舜

来源:未知 作者:邓楠 人气: 发布时间:2022-06-10
摘要:宋子舜,原名宋国,号正华,男,1970年出生于安徽省寿县书画之乡,大学文凭,企业法人,多年从事慈善活动。 拜齐白石再传弟子王砚方为师成为齐派第四代传人。 中国美术家协会会员、齐白石书画院院长、安徽子舜书画院院长、中国书画艺术委员会副主席、世界非物





Song Zishan, formerly known as Song Guo, name Zhenghua, male, was born in 1970 in Shouxian County, Anhui Province, university diploma, corporate legal person, engaged in charity activities for many years.

Qi Baishi again passed on his disciple Wang Yanfang as the teacher and became the fourth generation descendant of the Qi school.

A Member of the Chinese Artists Association、President of Qi Baishi Painting and Painting Academy、President of Anhui ishun Calligraphy and Painting Academy、Vice Chairman of Chinese Calligraphy and Calligraphy Art Committee、Founder of the innovative oil painting of the world Intangible Cultural Heritage、The International Cultural Image Ambassador、A famous art critic、Director of China Innovative Art Promotion Center、China's most invested collection artist、Member of Hong Kong Artists Association、National senior artist、National ceremony artist、People's artists、A Chinese meritorious artist、Now the market of painting and calligraphy works is 60000-100000 RMB / square foot.

Form their own unique style in painting, integrating Chinese and western painting, its works won the first prize in the national Chinese painting and calligraphy competition, brilliant China cup national first prize, 2021 Hainan boao "Chinese traditional culture peak BBS" activities, awarded the "Chinese contemporary artist" collection potential honorary title, Beijing subway "art China" large-scale art tour activities, works "jiangshan so many jiao" in the subway lines, by the people from all walks of life.In 2021, a large-scale personal documentary "Inspiration in Life and Artistic conception in Color" will be broadcast on the official all-media platform of People's Daily.In December of the same year, he was invited by the Pakistani Embassy to participate in the Design Art Exhibition on the 70th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Pakistan, which was praised by ambassadors from various countries and his works were collected by the embassy.His representative works are included in the collection of Modern Chinese Masters, serving the public with heart and towards a wonderful artistic life.In 2022, he won the Golden Horse Award of Global Chinese Arts, and awarded trophies and certificates




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